

来源:985论文网 添加时间:2019-12-17 17:32


  在日新月异迅猛发展的电信行业里,伴随着电信业务的推陈出新,电信业务支撑系统相关技术发展日趋完善。在中国的电信行业有三大运营商,中国移动的用户数量超过9 亿,中国联通超过 3 亿,中国电信也超过 3 亿,换句话说在中国人均拥有超过一个号码,这也使得各大运营商纷纷加入争夺用户第二卡槽的战斗中,第二卡槽的归属成为电信企业创造利润最大的增长点。市场不断的变化,随着国家工信部一轮又一轮的提速降费,行业竞争趋于白热化,唯有创新一条路才能让电信行业蓬勃发展。

  营业受理系统不是电信行业所特有的管理系统,在电信行业内部每个运营商都有自己的 BOSS 系统,其中营业受理系统则是其中最重要的一个环节,它帮助客户管理客户的相关期望,从而有效提升系统的建设价值,它集中了可以提供客户的所有能力集合。

  传统的 IOE 架构在当今的时代早已显得力不从心,国内外电信行业巨头也都开启了全面去“IOE”行动,所谓去“IOE”,其本质是将原有集中封闭的架构替换,取而代之的是分布式开源的架构,使得传统的营业受理系统由原来的烟筒式系统彻底演进升级为具有云化能力提供的开放式系统。

  文中首先概述了建设营业受理系统开发所用到的相关技术和工具,其次从营业受理系统功能的角度进行了业务需求的分析和总结,并详细介绍了系统的概要设计和详细设计以及实现。营业受理系统建设了订单中心、用户中心、客户中心、账户中心等,该系统采用分布式架构,通过各中心间调用的微服务,将原有复杂的系统解耦。利用 JAVA为编程语言,在线数据采用阿里 DRDS 分布式关系型数据库存储,各中心服务采用DOCKER 容器化部署,离线数据采用 HBASE 做读写分离,对于常用的参数则采用REDIS 缓存,通过 Spring Boot 开发微服务、通过 JQUERY JS、REGULAR JS 等技术做前后台分离,对于查询类业务采用 ES 搜索引擎,提高查询效率。通过 MQ、KAFKA来实现分布式事物的最终一致性来完成系统架构及实现。通过最终测试验收,单个服务实例测试响应调用,并发量可以达到大于 40 笔/秒,每笔平均耗时小于 600 毫秒,这充分说明分布式的服务可以有效提升服务质量,从而提高系统的可用性。




  In the fast-growing telecommunications industry, with the development of telecomservices, the development of telecommunications service support systems is becoming moreand more perfect There are three major operators in China's telecommunications industry

  China Mobile has more than 900 million users, China Unicom has more than 300 million,and China Telecom has more than 300 million In other words, China has more than onenumber per person, which also makes major operators In the battle to join the second cardslot for users, the ownership of the second card slot has become the biggest growth point fortelecom companies to create profits The market is constantly changing With the rounds ofspeed reduction and fee reduction by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,the industry competition is becoming more and more intense Only by innovating a road canthe telecommunications industry flourish

  The business acceptance system is not a management system unique to thetelecommunications industry Each operator in the telecommunications industry has its ownBOSS system The business acceptance system is one of the most important links It helpscustomers manage their related expectations and is effective Boosting the building value ofthe system, it brings together a collection of capabilities that can provide customers Thetraditional IOE architecture has long been incapable in today's era The domestic andinternational telecom industry giants have also launched a comprehensive "IOE" action Theso-called "IOE" is essentially replacing the original centralized closed architecture andreplacing it with distribution The open source architecture has enabled the traditionalbusiness acceptance system to be completely evolved from the original chimney system to anopen system with cloud capabilities

  Firstly, the paper summarizes the related technologies and tools used in the developmentof the business acceptance system Secondly, it analyzes and summarizes the businessrequirements from the perspective of the functions of the business acceptance system, andintroduces the detailed design and detailed design and implementation of the system in detail

  The business acceptance system has built an order center, a user center, a customer center, anaccount center, etc The system uses a distributed architecture to decouple the originalcomplex system through microservices called between the centers Using JAVA as theprogramming language, online data is stored in Ali DRDS distributed relational database,each center service adopts DOCKER containerized deployment, offline data is read andwritten separated by HBASE, and REDIS cache is used for common parameters, anddevelopment is performed by Spring Boot Services, through JQUERY JS, REGULAR JSand other technologies to do front and back separation, ES search engine for query-basedbusiness, improve query efficiency Through MQ, KAFKA to achieve the ultimateconsistency of distributed things to complete the system architecture and implementation

  Through the final test, a single service instance test response call, the number of concurrentcalls can reach more than 40 pens / second, the average time per pulse is less than 600milliseconds, which fully demonstrates that distributed services can effectively improve thequality of service, thereby improving system availability

  Key words: The telecommunications; Business acceptance; Micro service; Distributedarchitecture

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 课题的研究背景与意义




  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.2.1 国内相关研究
  1.2.2 国外相关研究
  1.3 本文主要研究内容
  1.4 本文的结构安排

  第 2 章 相关技术介绍

  2.1 开发技术概述
  2.2 主要技术
  2.2.1 DRDS
  2.2.2 Spring Boot
  2.2.3 Docker
  2.2.4 Elastic Search
  2.2.5 MQ 与 Kafka
  2.2.6 Redis.
  2.2.7 IaaS 、Paa、SaaS
  2.3 本章小结

  第 3 章 营业受理系统需求分析

  3.1 功能性需求分析
  3.1.1 移网开户
  3.1.2 2、3G 转 4G
  3.1.3 移网产品服务变更
  3.1.4 预约拆机
  3.1.5 正式拆机
  3.1.6 立即拆机
  3.1.7 客户资料变更
  3.1.8 过户
  3.1.9 停机保号
  3.1 合约计划续约
  3.2 需求分析整理
  3.2.1 用户中心
  3.2.2 订单中心
  3.2.3 客户中心
  3.2.4 前端 UI 触点
  3.3 本章小结

  第 4 章 营业受理系统概要设计

  4.1 系统总体设计
  4.1.1 系统总体设计要求
  4.1.2 系统总体架构设计
  4.2 系统表和前后台分离设计
  4.2.1 各中心服务表设计
  4.2.2 WEB 前后台分离设计
  4.3 本章小结

  第 5 章 营业受理系统详细设计与实现

  5.1 数据库详细设计
  5.1.1 用户信息表
  5.1.2 订单信息表
  5.1.3 客户信息表
  5.2 系统后台详细设计
  5.2.1 用户中心
  5.2.2 订单中心
  5.2.3 客户中心
  5.3 系统实现
  5.4 本章小结

  第 6 章 营业受理系统测试

  6.1 测试概况
  6.2 测试项目
  6.3 测试结论
  6.4 本章小结

