

来源:985论文网 添加时间:2019-12-17 17:31

摘 要




  (1)深入研究流媒体相关技术,研究并开发出一套以 RTMP 直播协议为基础,Nginx 服务器为核心的流媒体直播系统。本系统具备直播模块化、高清视频流及流畅性好的特点。






  With the continuous progress of science and technology, streaming mediatechnology is booming and maturing Video live broadcasting based on streamingmedia technology has been integrated into people’s lives At present, it is mainly usedin entertainment show live broadcasting, but its application in the field of teaching isrelatively rare Compared with the traditional classroom teaching mode, onlineteaching has many incomparable advantages Because of computer networktechnology’s development and the popularity of electronic products’expansion, onlineeducation, a new teaching mode, will become a popular trend

  In this paper, a teaching mode based on streaming media technology andreal-time interaction between teachers and students is proposed, and the teachingmode is realized by designing and implementing a live streaming media-basedteaching systemIn this system, on the one hand, teachers can teach at any time andanywhere, and students can learn at any time and anywhere On the other hand,through the teacher-student interaction module in the system, communication betweenteachers and students is strengthened

  The following is a detailed introduction of the research contents and maininnovations:

  (1)In-depth study of streaming media technology, research and developmentof a live streaming media system based on RTMP protocol, Nginx server as thecoreThe system has the characteristics of live broadcast modularization,high-definition video flow and good fluency

  (2)This paper deeply analyses the traditional classroom and online educationteaching mode, and puts forward an interactive teaching mode which combinesclassroom live broadcasting with chat roomThrough this mode, the communicationbetween teachers and students can be improved and the quality of teaching can beimproved

  (3)Deeply study the server-side development technology, research and develop a teaching live broadcasting management system serving the management ofteaching live broadcasting, so that the live broadcasting resources can be rationallyallocated and managed, improve the efficiency of relevant personnel, and enhance thesense of experience of the system

  Key words: streaming media Online education,Traditional classroom,Live broadcast in class,Interaction between teachers and students


  1 绪论

  1.1 课题研究背景及意义







  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.3 论文研究内容
  1.4 论文结构安排
  1.5 本章小结

  2 技术原理分析

  2.1 流媒体技术概述
  2.2 流媒体原理介绍
  2.2.1 流媒体技术组成
  2.2.2 流媒体传输方式
  2.3 服务器开发相关技术
  2.3.1 CentOS
  2.3.2 MySQL
  2.3.3 ThinkPHP
  2.4 本章小结

  3 教学直播系统设计分析

  3.1 系统总体设计分析
  3.2 客户端功能需求分析
  3.3 后台管理功能需求分析
  3.4 本章小结

  4 直播模块设计与实现

  4.1 系统设计架构
  4.2 编码端设计与实现
  4.2.1 音视频压缩编码
  4.2.2 编码工具工作流程
  4.2.3 编码工具的选择
  4.2.4 编码工具的实现
  4.3 流媒体网络协议的选择
  4.4 流媒体服务器设计及实现
  4.4.1 直播流传输过程解析
  4.4.2 流媒体服务器的比较及选择
  4.4.3 Nginx 服务器的搭建与实现
  4.5 客户端播放器的设计及实现
  4.6 本章小结

  5 教学直播管理模块设计与实现

  5.1 系统设计架构
  5.1.1 系统总体设计
  5.1.2 技术选型
  5.1.3 MVC 开发模式
  5.2 客户端模块设计与实现
  5.2.1 登录注册模块
  5.2.2 直播课程模块模块
  5.2.3 师生互动模块
  5.2.4 控制台模块模块
  5.3 服务端模块设计与实现
  5.3.1 授权管理模块
  5.3.2 服务器配置信息模
  5.3.3 直播管理模块
  5.3.4 系统管理模块
  5.4 数据库设计与实现
  5.4.1 数据库设计原理
  5.4.2 需求分析
  5.4.3 概念结构设计
  5.5 本章小结

  6 总结及展望

