
D 公司项目成本控制体系改进策略

来源:985论文网 添加时间:2019-12-17 16:33

摘 要


  本文以项目成本管理和控制理论为基础,对电力施工 D 公司的成本管理状况进行全面分析,根据全面成本管理理论、机会成本理念和挣得值分析理论,从项目成本规划阶段、成本估算阶段、成本预算阶段、成本控制阶段以及机会成本方面均进行深入分析,其中成本预算、成本控制和机会成本为重点领域,查找出项目实施过程各个环节所存在的成本控制问题,并对这些问题采用定性和定量分析方法,在此基础上提出通过建立全面预算管理和造价管理机制加强前期项目成本预算制定的精细度,同时通过质量管理、挣得值分析和资金占用成本分析做好项目成本的过程管控的管理措施和解决办法,以提高项目成本与项目进度管理的协同性和避免成本浪费现象。





  With the continuous development of China's economy, the social demand for electricityis becoming more and more vigorous, so the power construction market has ushered in agolden period of development However, with the deepening of economic system reform, thecompetition of construction enterprises in the field of electric power construction hasgradually become white-hot under the wave of market-oriented From the aspects of projectbidding, project progress, project quality, project cost and so on, you have begun to catch upwith me Therefore, how to manage and control costs and maximize project profits hasbecome an important issue that power construction enterprises need to break through urgently

  This paper studies the optimized cost control system from the perspective of strengtheningproject cost control, which has a certain practical significance

  Based on the theory of project cost management and control, this paper makes acomprehensive analysis of the cost management situation of D company of electric powerconstruction, finds out the cost control problems existing in every link of the projectimplementation process, and puts forward feasible solutions to these problems According tothe theory of total cost management, this paper makes an in-depth analysis from the aspects ofproject cost planning stage, cost estimation stage, cost budget stage, cost control stage andopportunity cost Among them, cost budget, cost control and opportunity cost are the keyareas Qualitative and quantitative management measures are adopted for their pertinence

  Establish a comprehensive budget management and cost management mechanism to enhancethe precision of cost budget formulation for pre-project At the same time, do a good job ofprocess control of project cost through quality management, earned value analysis and capitaloccupancy cost analysis, and illustrate the application effect with actual cases, and draw aconclusion through comprehensive analysis

  On the one hand, this paper introduces earned value analysis theory to improve thesynergy between project cost and project schedule management; on the other hand, it putsforward the idea of opportunity cost from the aspect of capital occupation to make up for thedeficiency of earned value analysis that only pays attention to "explicit cost" but not "implicitcost", which helps to avoid cost waste

  The cost control system established in this paper meets the management characteristicsand management needs of electric power construction enterprises It plays an active role inimproving the refinement level of enterprise cost management It has rationalization andoperability, and can be used as a reference for similar electric power construction enterprises

  Key words: Project Management; Earning Value; Cost Control

  目 录

  第一章 绪论

  1.1 论文背景及研究意义

  1.1.1 研究的背景

  目前,在我国电力建设市场上,电力施工企业主要可以分为两类,一类为火电施工企业,另一类为输变电施工企业,两类企业合并在市场上占据主导力量。在主辅分离改革后,我国电源和电网建设市场的规模不断扩张,我国电力施工企业迎来了快速发展的机遇期,企业在壮实自身基础领域的同时,也逐渐拓展业务范围,逐步形成了集团化经营模式。2003 年起针对电力供应紧张局面,电力工业在深化改革的同时,以发展为中心不断加大电力建设力度,各电力集团企业和相关投资主体的电力投资建设积极性空前高涨,电力工程开工投产规模不断迈上新台阶;为满足电力建设市场急速增长的需要,在这期间,电力施工企业相应加大了人才和设备的投入,施工能力和规模快速扩张。


  D 公司作为送变电类施工企业,在所属地区的电力建设市场占有一定市场份额,但与其他大型、上市的施工企业相比,在资本金规模、施工能力、管理模式等方面均有很大差距。近来来,随着市场开放程度不断加大,项目招投标竞争空前激烈,一些对手为占得市场恶意压低报价,个别项目业主的招标条件苛刻,通过大量划分标段、设置“最高限价”、保留工程量清单、收取各类保证金等形式,使施工成本不断上升。另外,随着输配电价改革的全面推行,电网企业的投资规模也开始受控,单个电网项目的投资概算越发精细,利润空间逐渐压缩。受此影响,公司唯有强化项目成本控制才能在残酷的竞争中立于不败之地。

  D 公司的处境与国内电力建设市场环境相似,其所面临的的业绩压力具有一定的代表性,我们对 D 公司的项目成本控制进行研究,对提升电力施工企业的经营管理水平,提高企业利润效益具有一定参考作用。
